Ex-PIX11NY’s Alex Lee Opens Up About Rocky 2024

Ex-PIX11NY’s Alex Lee, who co-hosted the daytime show New York Living with Marysol Castro, just shared an emotional Instagram post talking about what she characterized as “the worst six months of my life.”😳

You’ll remember that Alex abruptly disappeared from the NY Living set sometime in mid 2024. Initially there was speculation that she had taken a leave (medical or otherwise), but when her absence persisted with no explanation from her co-host Marysol, many, including Yours Truly, came to the conclusion that she had left PIX11NY. I wrote about this back in August 2024.

In fact, reading from her Instagram posts at that time (yeah, I keep up with❤️‍🔥Alex), I concluded that she had not left PIX11 in good terms. Something had happened leading to her departure. We were just not sure what it was. Her latest Instagram post clearly lends credence to the “something happened” argument even though she said she wasn’t ready yet, to go into the “gory details”.😳😂

It’s great to see that she has mustered the courage to open up about what she says is the darkest period of her life. Just remember the old saying Alex, that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. Live and learn,band when you’re ready, please share what went down at PIX11. You should know by now that your fans will stick by you no matter what–unless of course you killed someone at PIX11.😂